Private George Christopher Waldron



Number: 15213

Company: 74th


Date: 15 February 1900

Place: Newbridge

Age: 23

Trade or calling: Engineer. Served five year apprenticeship in a Dublin engineering works.

Place of birth: Parish Dublin, Town Dublin, County Dublin

Family: Not stated. Single.

Previous military service: Nil

Description: Height 5' 5". Complexion dark, eyes grey, hair dark. Scar on left side of forehead, tattoo mark back of left wrist.

Religion: Other Protestant


Date to South Africa: 14 April 1900

Date home: 9 July 1901

Campaings: South Africa 1900-01

Service medal clasps and other awards: South Africa, Cape Colony, Orange Free State, 1901.

Conduct: Very good

Special qualifications: Engineer


Date: 15 July 1901

Place: Dublin

Reason for discharge: Termination of engagement

Intended place of residence: 18 Moyne Road, Rathmines, Dublin


On 22 November 1905 he married Frances Ethel Smith of Landport in the All Saints Church, Portsmouth, Hampshire.

He served in World War 1 in the Royal Navy as an engine room artificier and submariner and was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal in 1918.


Waldron (centre)


Cornish Guardian, 26 December 1968


Images of Waldron sourced from Public Member Trees - contributor Rob Waldron.

This page last updated 7 May 2024.